When Cosmetics Can Actually Make You Look Bad…..

Make up is meant to enhance your look, not overwhelm your facial features. Ive have seen this plenty of times where women just go OTT on the foundation and eye shadow and they get the look of Krusty the Clown instead of the look of elegance! There are various ways telling if you are a bit too overzealous when applying your make up. These are:

Find a foundation that matches your skin colour: This is the most basic rule in cosmetics that every women should know! A foundation that matches the colour of your skin gives a more natural look than one that’s completely off. If you do manage to find one that is perfect for you, you are most likely to use less of the foundation than expected. If you need help in this perilous mission, head down to stores such as Boots or Selfridges where an experienced makeup artist will be more than happy help you (well thats what they say!).

Make sure there is enough light:
If you apply makeup in a dark environment, you’ll end up looking too made up once you step out to go to work or shopping, meaning that you will be applying more make up and looking like a drag queen! If you can, invest in bright well lit light bulbs (shall I mention energy saving too!) for your bathroom which is the next best thing to natural light.

Shape your eyebrows:
Make up artists say that well-shaped brows gives a face an instant new look and unique look. A lot of men out there find it very off putting seeing a girl who looks like she has either had her eyebrows threaded or shaped by someone who has been blindfolded!

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